Beyond the Google and Facebook Duopoly: How Building Your Own Audience Data is the Growth Path
Paul Frampton, chief executive of Havas Media Group UK, once said “Google and Facebook are “black boxes” that don’t give publishers, agencies or the brands access to their algorithms or audience data and the data being mined are for Google and Facebook — and not for the brand.”
The duopoly of Google & Facebook is an existing reality for every digital business. Any company who’s part of today’s digital ecosystem is not immune to the challenges of this duopoly. From how you bid on your programmatic spends to how you distribute your social budget these two giants clearly dictate it for you. The opportunity to explore beyond these two has been very limited due to their staggering presence on your strategy board.
This constraint on growth under the giants has highlighted the strength of Audience Data which is harnessed brilliantly by both Google & Facebook, however within their walled gardens, and been the growth engine for digital spends. Building your own Audience Data is the new growth path for Digital Businesses- media companies, agencies, marketers and new age AdTech-MarTech companies.
Through this webinar we discuss and illustrate the roadmap to Digital Business growth via Audience Data.