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Tom Edwards Ad:Tech New York 2017

Tom Edwards Ad:Tech New York 2017

Tom Edwards, Ad Age Marketing Technology Trailblazer and Chief Digital Officer, Agency @ Epsilon presents Gen Z and Computer vision at Ad:Tech NY 2017.

This video is the presentation content prepared for Ad:Tech New York 2017, featuring proprietary research tied to Gen Z and the evolution of experience. Over the coming months, we will begin to see a significant increase in the amount of media velocity around the topic of AI + AR, specifically computer vision enhanced experiences.

This session is an overview of computer vision, implications for marketers, the role of Gen Z and how it will scale through a very well established ecosystem.

Tom discussed the impact: Computer Vision Experience & Gen Z through the lens of the E^3 framework, Empower, Enhance, and Environment tied to the Innovation to Reality™ content series.

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