The Future Of Mobile Advertising: Using Emerging Technology To Its Fullest
As the video ad world has changed with the advent of new video platforms changing typical video viewing behavior and social media shaking up traditional ad paradigms, we investigate skippable pre-roll ads and in-feed, auto-play videos, learning more about skipping behaviors, the effects of viewability, and what advertisers can do to maximize the impact of their campaigns. In addition to emerging mobile platforms, we also have the ability to capitalize on unique hardware supported by mobile devices. From this perspective, we look at how, when, and why to implement haptic feedback in ads – incorporating a third sense into the ad experience with touch, as well as how to use location data to individualize user experience. All of this culminates into a comprehensive guide about how to introduce intentional design into your ad strategies based on the medium, capitalizing on its unique properties and enhancing the effectiveness of your mobile ad campaign.
Lena Phalen, Research Analyst at MAGNA
Filmed at the Mobilenomics Summit 2017 Deer Valley, UT